
Gesellschaft der Bassisten in Deutschland

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double bass women WANTED :))

> Bogen

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Malgosia Profilseite von , 08.05.2006, 14:07:00
double bass women WANTED :))
Hello everyone!

I am Malgosia and I am a student of double bass performance in Gdansk.
Here, in Poland, a woman playing double bass is still a rarity and that is why I would like to write a thesis about women and double basses.

So right now I am trying to find women playing this great and beautiful instrument - solo players, leaders of groups in orchestras, composers or professors.

I will be very grateful for any information from you.


I wish you all the best

**** [Bearbeitet von GEBA] Profilseite von , 08.05.2006, 19:08:52

czesc malgosiu,
kobiety grajace na kontrabasie sa rzeczywiscie rzadkoscia. ja zyje od wielu lat w hamburgu i widzialem tu (tylko jeden raz narazie) jedna dziewczyne, ktora gra na tym ciezkim instrumencie. jeszcze osobiscie sie z nia nie poznalem, ale wiem, ze moj kumpel "kristofer vio" (= z polski pochodzacy skrzypek piotr put) juz kiedys z nia wystempowal. ona sie nazywa barbara hörmann. jezeli jestes zainteresowana kontaktem z nia, mozes sie skontaktowac z kristoferem/piotrem przez kontakt na jego stronie internetowej:
ja - "niemiec zwyczajny" nauczylem sie nie tylko polskiego lecz i serbskiego jezyka i ogladam regularnie ex-jugoslowianska telewizje przez satelite. Tam widzialem (i nagralem) piekna mloda kobiete, ktora gra calkiem przyswoice na kontrabasie i spiewa w jakims cyganskim zespole, chociaz ona sama nie wyglada na cyganke ...
gdybys chciala i mi podala swoj adres, to moglbym tobie to nagranie na DVD przyslac do polski. a ja bym sie w tym wypadku cieszyl, gdybys mi kiedys przyslala jakies swoje nagranie CD/DVD - jezeli masz - odnosnie kiedys bedzies miala ...
pozdrawiam cie po kolezensku: Gunter/Beli (**** [Bearbeitet von GEBA])

qba Profilseite von , 04.07.2006, 19:04:56
W salzburgu uczy Christine Hoock , moja kolezanka studiuje u niej i bardzo ja chwali .ja slyszalem jej kwartet basowy na cd i jest extra
bassknecht Profilseite von bassknecht, 05.07.2006, 10:49:45
Please write in english or german (if you are able to) or do you want to have your own polish coffee talk circle? I am interested for this tread and I am not able to understand more than one word in polish language. Thank you Roland
D&B Profilseite von D&B, 05.07.2006, 11:33:30
Das ist die Rache für die WM-Vorrunde ... :-)
qba5 Profilseite von , 05.07.2006, 17:28:51
Berlin , Berlin Italien fahren nach Berlin :-)
aber sowieso war sehr gute Spiel mit Spannung !!!
Portugal wird WM!!!!Groess.
malgosia Profilseite von , 05.07.2006, 18:41:20
Hey Roland.

Sorry for that Polish talk. Sometimes it is easier to express someone's thoughts in own language. But from the other hand I see there are not many double bass women who are well-known in Germany. Do you know some?
We have found Christine Hoock, Karoline Hoefler and Kristin Korb. Do you know any other female bass players in Germany?

beste Gruesse
jonas Lohse Profilseite von , 05.07.2006, 21:04:28
Kristin Korb is american, not german. But there are also Lindy Huppertsberg and Ulla Oster (both german).
Otto Profilseite von , 06.07.2006, 20:00:29
Prof. Barbara Sanderling, Hochschule für Musik-Hans Eisler in Berlin.
In the Lübecker Philharmoniker the 2.solo-bass is Dagmar, but I dont know her second name.
dave 2 Profilseite von , 10.07.2006, 10:37:38

why the women have to be \\\"famous\\\"?? I know many female players, good and often better than their male counterparts, who are not professionals. But women with a \\\"normal\\\" job including mothers with children.

A woman getting Professor or group leader is in Germany still as rare as a female chancellor or boss of Mercedes. Unfortunately. Therefore, ask the \\\"normal\\\" ladies for their enthusiasm to the bass to get the realistic view.

jonas Lohse Profilseite von , 05.07.2006, 12:39:34
Ach so ... ich habe das Kauderwelsch für eine dieser Spam-Attacken gehalten ;-)
Patrick von Frankenberg Profilseite von , 29.01.2007, 11:47:57
Dear Malgosia, I know one of most talented young female D.B. Players in the world. She´s moore than talented. Absolute pure and very fine in playing. Her name: Shengni Guo from China. She plays in munich philharmonic orchestra. If you need contact for interviews, requests etc. write me:
Neuester Beitrag Basstölpel Profilseite von Basstölpel, 29.01.2007, 12:52:21
Hi Malgosia,

there is a very talented young female double bass player in Glasgow by the name of Una MacGlone. She has an amazing range of interests: She plays classical music in the Scottish Opera Orchestra,  free improvisation in the Glasgow Improvisors Orchestra and different smaller ensembles,and played in a project with David Byrne/Talking Heads for a film score.

Kontrabass & Rosenholz <Zurück zur Liste> Bogen

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