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Labella Supernil <

Rudolf Fiedler instruments

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Zugeordnete Kategorien: Bassbauer

Roberto Terrón Profilseite von , 16.07.2004, 14:19:55
Rudolf Fiedler instruments
Can anybody tell me anything about Rudolf Fiedler instruments? Do you Know about him?


Roberto Terrón
Egon the horse Profilseite von , 16.07.2004, 16:36:34
"Fiedler" means: violin player, maybe bassviolin, too, don´t know. Rudolf Fiedler instruments are the instruments used by the famous violinist called Rudolf.
Roberto Terrón Profilseite von , 17.07.2004, 14:12:40
Thanks but it´s true. There are a luthier called Rudolph Fiedler. I have just found this information He comes from Pague and you can find a article about his Grancino copy in the Double Bassist magazine Best regards Roberto Terrón
Eoberto Terrón Profilseite von , 17.07.2004, 14:15:42
Entschuldigung! He comes from PRAGUE
Neuester Beitrag Vit Popp Profilseite von , 24.01.2006, 14:41:03
Rudolph Fiedler is the Ltd. company and the brand name of Czech producer of good stringed instruments. This small manufacture make hand made instruments, mostly coppies of famous Italian instruments. The very best and the most known models are hand made coppies of different Guarneri violins, Stradivari de Munch cellos with short scale (vibr. lenght 68cm) and excellent d.basses (Gaetano Rossi 1850, Guadanini 1757, Grancino 1694 ex Posta or Testore ex Botessini). Some of these instruments you can always find in Prague Music shop CESKE HUDEBNI NASTROJE (, e. mail You can find these instruments in Germany too (Gill - Bubenreuth), USA, Japan and some other exclusive dealers worldwide. Because of very large interest (d.basses and cellos especially) and not very large production capacity there is some 3-5 months delivery time up to topical situation. Vit Popp
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