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Pittsburgh Double Bass Symposium <

Heute, 16:00 Uhr: Opening Jazz Ahead with Markus Stockhausen Group

> April-Online-GEBA-Meeting am 29.04.2021 20:00 Uhr

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Ste-Fan Profilseite von Ste-Fan, 29.04.2021, 08:59:44
Heute, 16:00 Uhr: Opening Jazz Ahead with Markus Stockhausen Group

Live-Stream! Hatte ich gestern als Newsletter im Fach, mit dem Kontrabassisten Sebastian Gramss:


Opening Ceremony will be held under the motto "Close together from afar": the jazz world is getting especially close together this year, as we celebrate a cooperation with International Jazz Day for the first time. As a special guest, Dee Dee Bridgewater will speak on behalf of the UNESCO initiative. Further words of welcome will, among others, come from Prof. Monika Grütters, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.   The ceremony will be musically accompanied by the MARKUS STOCKHAUSEN GROUP.
Markus Stockhausen is considered one of the most distinguished trumpeters worldwide. At the intersection of jazz, classical music, new music and electronic experiments, he is constantly researching new possibilities of expression. This is also the case in a new line-up with pianist Jeroen van Vliet. Joy of playing and masterful skill - colorful compositions, inspired improvisations and intuitive playing blend into a harmonious whole. All musicians also use electronic extensions of their instruments, always searching for the 'magic moment' on stage. Through their intuitive interplay, they bring inner worlds to sound with great sonic richness.
Line-Up: Markus Stockhausen (flh,tp) Jeroen van Vliet (p, snth), Sebastian Gramss (b), Christian Thomé (dr)
Sebastian Gramss performs as guest musician in the group. Opening Jazz Ahead
with Markus Stockhausen Group    
Markus Stockhausen – trumpet, electronics
Jeroen van Vliet – piano, electronics
Sebastian Gramss – double bass
Christian Thomé – drums, small percussion
      Bremen Jazz Ahead April 29, 2021
Start of the opening ceremony at 15.30
the group performs at 16.00 German time.

Neuester Beitrag cbaixa Profilseite von cbaixa, 30.04.2021, 13:50:56

Und heute um 14:30 mit dem Kristin Korb Trio! (Introducing Dnaish Jazz)

Pittsburgh Double Bass Symposium <Zurück zur Liste> April-Online-GEBA-Meeting am 29.04.2021 20:00 Uhr

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