
Gesellschaft der Bassisten in Deutschland

Gesellschaft der Bassisten in Deutschland

• • • Marktplatz2-Detail

antique high bass bow, early 20th century

High bass bow from early 20th century, unstamped, in very good condition. The screw works as it should, the wood was recently cleaned and the hair renewed, so the bow is immediately playable.

Total length = 70 cm
Hair length = 55 cm
Frog height = 56 mm
Minimum distance between hair and wood = 36 mm
Weight = 154 g

See also the photos.

To put this bow in historical perspective, I have added a page from an early-1900s catalogue. It shows 5 different types of bass bows that were offered back then, ranging from a (19th century) Dragonetti bow to what we now call a modern German-type bow. The bow for sale here is of the third type, what is called in the catalogue a "Deutsches Modell".

Price: 750 euro.
International shipping with insurance is possible.

Mit Anbieter bassage Kontakt aufnehmen

Kategorie: Biete Bögen
Standort: Niederlande Amsterdam
Preis: 750 €
Anzeigentyp: Privat
Erstellt am 15.03.2025
Aktualisiert am 16.03.2025

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Zuletzt aktualisiert von Meyer-Eppler am 02.12.2009, 20:40:47.