
Gesellschaft der Bassisten in Deutschland

Gesellschaft der Bassisten in Deutschland

• • • Marktplatz2-Detail

Erich Max Pöllman 1938, Jugelsburg

1938 3/4 Pöllmann family double bass, built by Erich Max Pöllmann.


It has had only 3 owners: an orchestral player from 1938-1958, an amateur jazz player from 1958-2022 and myself. Therefore it is in very good condition.


Sound is big, clear and warm. It's very comfortable to play (104,5 cm string length). Sound is good both pizzicato and arco.


Message me for more information on dimensions and if you want to try the instrument out.


It is insured until the end of 2024 with Swiss insurance company.


Sold because I'm moving away and looking to change instrument.

Mit Anbieter Joan Kontakt aufnehmen

Kategorie: Biete Kontrabässe
Standort: Schweiz Basel
Preis: 16000 €
Anzeigentyp: Privat
Erstellt am 08.02.2024
Aktualisiert am 15.04.2024

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Zuletzt aktualisiert von Meyer-Eppler am 02.12.2009, 20:40:47.